
The Seven Wonders of Nature

The Dunes of National Park Jericoacoara, in Ceara

As had been previously announced, the New7Wonders launched the competition for competitors to indicate New Seven Wonders of the Natural World.

The information will be recorded until August 8, 2008, when a team of specialists choose only 21 finalists.

Of these 21 wonderful works of nature, a world wide vote will elect the new Seven Natural Wonders, between sites, landscapes and monuments not created or significantly altered by human actions.

Phenomena such as Aurora Boreal, the current Gulf of Mexico and the stars ABC may not participate in the competition.

The wonder of nature can be an animal reserve, a steep, Swedish, Cave, cave, coast, cliff, forest or woodlands. A geological area, a glacier, mountain volcano, rock, natural park, an oasis or desert.

A region prehistoric or sub-marina, a reef, lake, pond, river, sea or some kind of falling-water. In this preliminary stage, may be indicated several candidates.

Brazil has several assets and disseminate our natural wonders can help preserve them and to develop a sustainable eco-tourism. To participate, just as you enter the site or New7Wonders here.

The Blue Brazil already has 07 initial indications, all on the coast or 200 km of coastline:

Atlantic Forest Reserves of the coast of Discovery-Bahia and Espirito Santo

Reserves of Atlantic Forest of Southeast-Sao Paulo and Parana

National Park of Serra da Capivara - Piauí

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